News From the Students, For the Students

The Griffin Gazette

News From the Students, For the Students

The Griffin Gazette

News From the Students, For the Students

The Griffin Gazette

Advice from seniors: What we can learn from the Griffin Gazette’s graduating class

What advice would journalism’s seniors give to the younger Griffins?
Sydney Forstye
Griffin Gazette’s 2024 seniors took a photo with their journalism certificates and green graduation cords on their last Friday in the class.

LOS ALAMITOS, CA – As the 2023-24 school year wraps up, many students are already fretting about next year: what classes they are going to take, their friend groups, and much more. Now, younger Griffins turn to the seniors, the sage students sitting on the top of the mountain of high school in their red and blue graduation gowns. Only the graduating seniors have the answers they are looking for.

While it would be amazing to interview all the seniors at Los Alamitos High School, that would be impossible. Instead, we decided to ask our very own seniors at the Griffin Gazette for their advice to younger students.

Owen Silverman

Owen’s advice to seniors next year is to make the most of your last year of high school. Whether it’s prom, sports games, or other events, creating those senior memories is what matters the most. For all Los Al students, Owen’s advice to always be yourself, no matter what other people might think.

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Be who you want to be, wear what you want to wear, and do what you want to do. If people don’t like it, then they don’t matter. If you like it, that is all that truly matters.”

— Owen Silverman, senior

Olivia Cooks

For Olivia, being genuine is also important. She explained that trying to “fit in” with everyone else will only make you more miserable, and that popularity isn’t where it’s at. For future seniors, Olivia also advises to make the most of your last year in high school.

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Talk to your crush, do things that scare you, study hard, and get into your dream college – don’t waste your final year of high school. You won’t ever get to relive these years, and, trust me, you’ll want to.”

— Olivia Cooks, senior

Layla Martinez

In high school, Layla has learned that, while you can’t control the things and people around you, you can control how you respond to them. And while high school can seem like an endless burden, Layla wants future seniors to know that it’s going to get better. For all Griffins, Layla advises them to simply be themselves. 

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Don’t feel like you have to be everything for everyone: It’s important to take time to focus on yourself. Just remember [that] the immaturity fades away after high school, which is a good thing to look forward to!”

— Layla Martinez, senior

Nandi Smith

In Nandi’s opinion, high school is where you learn all of what life has to throw at you: how to deal with unpredictability, manage friendships, and discover more about yourself. She advises next year’s seniors to enjoy their last year before college the best they can and wants all Griffins to know to always be themselves because only being uniquely yourself can get you places in life.

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You can find the best opportunities by just being you and putting yourself out there, so don’t take any opportunity for granted.”

— Nandi Smith, senior

Issy Steinberg

Issy has learned that, while high school can be enjoyable, it also reminds us that life will continue to throw challenges at us, but we can still overcome them each day. She advises that Griffins should not stress too much about school life. For future seniors, she hopes that they will be able to learn to be their unique selves and live in the moment.

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Don’t stress about the things you can’t control, and don’t procrastinate. You’ll be able to find your groove and figure it out.”

— Issy Steinberg, senior


With the school year ending, Griffins can learn plenty from Los Al’s class of 2024. In a society where students are pressured to “fit in,” “stay current” and “be cool,” we can look to the oldest students of Los Al to discover what really matters in high school life: being yourself, living in the moment, and never giving up.

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About the Contributors
Katie Arnoult
Katie Arnoult, Editor | Reporter
Katie Arnoult is a sophomore at Los Alamitos High School and an editor for the Griffin Gazette. She was the Editor-In-Chief for the McAuliffe Birdwatch during middle school and has begun working with The Youth Center's marketing committee this year in Los Alamitos. She loves to write articles about underrepresented groups at Los Al and about student life on campus. This year, she hopes to write more book reviews and about performances at Los Al. Her hobbies include photography, graphic design, reading, and playing with her dog, Jett. You can contact Katie at [email protected].
Bella Kim
Bella Kim, Editor-in-Chief | Co-anchor
Bella Kim is a junior at Los Alamitos High School. This is her second year with the Griffin Gazette. Bella has won two Best of SNO awards, for her articles "A Los Al senior’s podcast: ‘The Sy-STEM’" and "Los Al sophomore to compete in Olympic Trials for sailing." Over the summer, she was part of the first cohort of JCal, the Asian American Journalists Association and CalMatters' journalism program for California high school students. Last August, Bella finished her five-month internship with Spotlight Schools. Currently, she is The Youth Center's marketing intern, a contributor to L.A. Times High School Insider, and the first member of the South Bay Youth Journalism program. This summer, she will represent California at the Al Neuharth Free Spirit and Journalism Conference in Washington D.C. Bella has a passion for ballet and has been dancing for over ten years. She dances at Los Alamitos Ballet School and performed in their "Sugarplum's Realm" production last December. When she’s not in the studio, Bella enjoys spending time with family and friends, reading, writing poetry, and going to the beach. She also likes musicals, roller coasters, and collecting bookstore tote bags. On campus, Bella is co-president of the Literature Appreciation Club. As editor-in-chief, she is excited to lead the Gazette in its second year of publication and co-anchor the first year of Griffin Gazette Live broadcast news. You can contact Bella at [email protected].
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  • N

    Nandi SmithJun 3, 2024 at 11:38 am

    I love this article Katie! It’s great to see everyone’s advice compiled into one article. Best of luck to all Griffin Gazette staff for the rest of their high school journey!!

  • O

    Owen SilvermanJun 3, 2024 at 11:07 am

    Amazing article, Katie! This piece is really awesome to read especially this time of year. Everyone had such great advice and it’s nice seeing all the seniors in one last article.
