Los Alamitos Ballet Theatre celebrates hit-and-run victims
“Ballet in Bloom” celebrated the recovery of the five dancers involved in the February car crash
A Grandfather of One of the Dancers
Four of the Los Alamitos Ballet Theatre company dancers after their beautiful performance.
May 10, 2023
LOS ALAMITOS, CA — The Los Alamitos Ballet Theatre celebrated “Ballet in Bloom” on May 4 at Millikan High School to honor the five hit-and-run victims involved in the PCH car accident in February.
The victims, ballet dancers at the Los Alamitos Ballet Theatre, were all injured, most suffering from concussions and broken bones.
“Let’s celebrate the strength and resilience of our amazing dancers as they continue to recover and make their way back to the stage!” the Los Alamitos Ballet Theatre said. Performances included dances from various company members and the artistic directors with live piano accompaniment. The five young women observed as audience members, cheering on fellow classmates, dancers, and friends as they eagerly viewed each dance performed in their honor.

“It was a beautiful performance,” one audience member said. The event was 1.5 hours long and raised thousands of dollars from the silent auction before the performance’s opening dance; silent auction items include skin care, clothing, jewelry, and more. Each ballet performance ranged from shows such as “Swan Lake,” “Romeo and Juliet,” and several more.
“[These girls] have worked so hard to be where they are today,” said Nesi Stewart, President of the Los Alamitos Chamber of Commerce. “It’s amazing to see what a company can put on to bring awareness to this.” All proceeds go towards the victims’ recovery efforts and raising money for their hopeful return to the company after physical therapy and proper recovery. The injured dancers are recovering quickly and hope to return to the stage sometime this summer.
All information regarding the event can be found here. Additional knowledge about the Los Alamitos Ballet Theatre can be found here.