Local businesses rent parking spaces to students
Students rent parking spaces from local businesses, but for what cost?
April 25, 2023
LOS ALAMITOS, CA — Although Los Alamitos High School does their best to provide parking spaces for all senior students, there are only so many on-campus spots available. The problem arises when students realize there is almost nowhere nearby to park their car. At first, nearly all restaurants and stores in close proximity to the school ensured no students would take parking spaces meant for customers.
Now, some businesses in the area have decided to rent out parking spaces forĀ students this school year. While the prices vary from business to business, most cost an average of $135 a month. Since there are few options, this benefits the business and the students who have a guaranteed spot relatively close to the school. One of Los Al’s most popular rental spots is Fairfield Inn & Suites Marriot Anaheim located 0.2 miles off campus. Only about a seven-minute walk, the hotel’s distance from school is reasonable enough for students to make the most of this opportunity.
The Fairfield Inns parking spaces used to cost $100 a month up until March, when the rent cost was raised to $150 a month. Senior Jordan Kirkendall rented a spot from August 2022- March 2023. Kirkendall found that leaving ten minutes prior to the bell schedule was most convenient.
“I think the $100 was reasonable because it was a little cheaper than other parking spots, but when it increased I don’t think it was worth it anymore,” Kirkendall said.
Located directly across the street from campus, Good Woods holds 14 parking spots available for students for $120 per month. When Good Woods originally started renting to students, each spot cost only $80. As other business prices went up, Good Woods made a slow shift of cost, which was reasonable for the location.
Due to recent construction, Los Al’s campus has around 500 parking spaces available to both senior and junior students with their drivers licenses. Students apply on a Google Form through the school and are put on a wait list.
As first priority, upcoming seniors are sent a Google Form through email offering them first spots. Everyone receives their permit on the day of registration. Students are encouraged to make a $60 donation for a spot located on campus.
While Los Al does their best to provide as many parking spaces as possible, these businesses provide alternate opportunities for those who struggle finding a spot located close to the school. Although these spaces cost more than school permits, businesses have to take into consideration that parking spots rented to students replace spots typically available to customers.