The All-District Band and Orchestra Festival at Los Al
Three schools in Los Alamitos School District came together on Saturday, March 11 for All-District
The end performance of Orchestra at the All-District Festival from the stands.
March 16, 2023
LOS ALAMITOS, CA — Gathering in Los Alamitos High School’s gym on Saturday, March 11, the All-District Band and Orchestra Festival was held. Both Oak and McAuliffe Middle School, Los Alamitos High School, and the Youth Center participated in the event.
The Band and Jazz Band performance began promptly at 1 p.m. Many were squeezing into the gym’s packed seats so that more people could watch. Around 5 p.m. the orchestra started to a great audience as well.
Los Al’s concert band started off by playing “Dawn of a New Day” by Jordan Sterk, directed by Mr. Crockett.
The next musical performance was by the McAuliffe and Oak combined Beginning Bands. The two middle school directors alternated between directing the students throughout each of the two songs they played.
To make it accessible for all the performance groups, students switched where they were seated throughout the show so that every musician could be in the spotlight for their performance.
In the middle of the Band and Jazz Band performance, the elementary school students played “Hard Rock Blues” by John Higgins. They were from the Youth Center band directed by Kody Kuehnast. The audience clapped along to the beat of the song and was very supportive of the little kids’ performance.
The Oak, McAuliffe, and Los Al jazz bands played intermittently, and they were directed by Mr. Padilla, Mr. Harrell, and Mr. Fontaine.

The most advanced groups took the stage last, and Los Al Jazz I closed the show with Sammy Nestico’s “Ya Gotta Try Harder.”
Band and Jazz Band ended their concert with a performance of “Star Wars” by John Williams and Carl Strommen. It was directed by all four teachers at once, Mr. Harrell, Mr. Fontaine, Mr. Crockett, and Mr. Padilla.
At 5 p.m., the orchestra performance started. This included Los Al, Oak, McAuliffe, and the Youth Center, with the same directors.
Los Al Concert Orchestra began the night with three pieces of “Capriol Suite” by Peter Warlock, directed by Mr. Padilla.
Mr. Harold joined Oak Beginning Orchestra and played with them while someone else directed the students. He then stepped aside for Advanced Orchestra and allowed them to play without a director for the last section of their performance.
After that, the Youth Center group of 16 students performed four songs, directed by Angela Cranton.
The inclusion of a scream in McAuliffe Orchestra’s composition made the crowd laugh. The fact that this performance lit up the entire gym made it a very engaging experience.

Aleina Han, a senior at Los Al, performed as a solo violinist to demonstrate her skills on the instrument. She was introduced by Mr. Padilla, and she played beautifully.
“I love how supportive everyone was towards each player,” said Los Al sophomore, Sofia Linzaga, from Concert Band. “The effort and passion for music were definitely seen through all the performances.”
All of the orchestra groups played “Over the Rainbow” by Harrell Arlen and Bob Cerulli to end their enjoyable performance.
Everyone enjoyed the performances by Band, Jazz Band, and Orchestra as they were all outstanding.

The middle school students, eighth graders in particular, were able to catch a glimpse of their possible futures next fall.
“I thought that we did well, and it was cool being able to see other bands perform, especially the high school,” said Elia Cerrillo, an Oak student in Band.
Hopefully, everyone will get the chance to see their schools perform if they didn’t make it to this concert. The students performed amazingly and it was a very memorable day for all.