Griffin Gazette presents… The Griffin Report
The Griffin Report is your new favorite podcast to listen to on your way to school.
The Griffin Report poster that is hung around the Los Al campus.
February 10, 2023
LOS ALAMITOS, CA– The Griffin Report is a new podcast and sister project to the Griffin Gazette.
“I’m excited because it’s a new aspect of Los Al that we haven’t had before,” Katie Arnoult, staff writer and editor of the Griffin Gazette said. The concept was conceived late last semester by Jonas Corliss, a staff writer, after winding how to gauge a wider audience when looking at recent audience analysis.
“We kinda just jumped into it. I wanted to get a group of people together to talk about something we’re passionate about,” Corliss said. The podcast currently has one episode published with Corliss and Kate Schumacher as hosts and discusses how music, especially European music, has evolved in America throughout history.
“It was really interesting and there were a lot of things that we don’t typically do. It went really well!” Schumacher said. Although the podcast will officially go on air during the weekend, episodes are being filmed every week in order to stay ahead of upcoming deadlines.
The next episode will be hosted by sophomores Isabella Gasper and Sydeney Forsyte focusing on how young adult novels and the different genres people their age read.
“Both of us are really passionate about books and reading we wanted to share that passion with other people,” Forsyte said.
Don’t want to miss out on the next podcast? Each episode will be promoted on Instagram @lahsgriffingazette and posters will be hung around campus. Stay tuned!