What is SAIA?

SAIA may save you from missing out on formal

Ryan Park

Student Academic Intervention Academy sessions take place in the lecture hall.

Ryan Park, Staff Writer

LOS ALAMITOS CA — Previously, Student Academic Intervention Academy, or SAIA, was sitting in a classroom for four hours. With no work, no enrichment, and no stimulation, students would silently be seated and supervised by support staff or teachers. This method was not productive in the slightest, so Los Alamitos High School changed the way they did SAIA to make it more oriented to academics.

Future dates for the Student Academic Intervention Academy in the 2023 year. (Los Al website)

Students now bring their devices and school work to do their assignments under supervision. One by one, teachers will call students up to the front and go through their Aeries to see if they have any missing assignments or upcoming assessments. If a student states they have no work to do, the supervisor will suggest they review for an upcoming test or quiz.

Engaging with the students is a crucial part of SAIA, and building good habits is a major goal of the program.  Additionally, any student seeking a quiet working place can voluntarily come to do school work. At the end, students sign an exit ticket that asks what they have accomplished during the session and are free to leave afterwards. Skipping assigned SAIA will result in a loss in privileges such as a withdrawal of off-campus lunch passes and prohibition of activities like formal and prom. Skipping SAIA may also prohibit students from attending senior activities at the end of the year.

The Mission:

The main purpose of SAIA is not about dishing out consequences for misbehavior, but building accountability in students and changing bad habits. Attendance has been proven to be a large contributor to academic success. Repairing absences and tardiness through SAIA helps improve grades overall and cut disruptions in the classroom like students walking in late during lectures.

If you need a form for SAIA, feel free to download this image.

Saturday Academic Intervention Academy notice form provided by Mr. Bowen. (Mr. Bowen)