What is GWAM?
A closer look at the freshmen retreat.

Logo representing the GWAM program created by the GWAM staff
September 20, 2022

LOS ALAMITOS, CA– GWAM, Griffins With A Mission, has been a part of Los Alamitos High School since 1991. Since then GWAM has become a near constant for every incoming Freshman class. In recent years the program has been run by Ms. Aviña and Ms. Kibtya. Below is an interview with the two GWAM board members, Kelsey Rost and Macy Buchta, about GWAM and its purpose.
What is GWAM?
Kelsey: GWAM is Griffins With A Mission, a program that we use for reaching out to the student body, specifically freshmen, in order to get them more intertwined and connected with our student environment and culture.
Macy: Like Kelsey said GWAM is Griffins With A Mission, and I see it as an experience for freshmen to engage with the upperclassmen and gain a mentor figure.
Why was GWAM started?
Macy: GWAM was started about 30 years ago after a hate crime occurred at our school. The students knew that they had to do something, so they created GWAM to create a safer and healthier environment at our school.
Why do you think GWAM is important?
Kelsey: I think it… sets a certain tone and mood that we should have [for high school] going into it with the mindsets of the freshmen. It is also cool for the seniors, or the people who are leading because it helps you have that connection of two classes that don’t interact a lot, and [GWAM] creates a rare moment of overlapping.
Do you think GWAM alone is enough for students?
Macy: I do think that there could be more. Maybe, including the retreat, there could be a few more days a year where you could meet back up with your group and check in on them and see how they are doing. Even just weekly talks with them, asking how their week went. We do that for Link Crew, so maybe if we could reflect what we do with Link Crew onto GWAM it could be a good idea.
Kelsey: I definitely think that we could do more, you know you could always do more, and with the last few years with COVID especially it has been limited, we haven’t been able to do the retreat and stuff. So, I don’t know, we could always improve and do more and meet back up.
Why did you choose to be a part of GWAM?
Macy: I chose to be a part of GWAM because when I was a freshman, I had a very hard time adjusting to this new high school environment. When I went to my freshmen year GWAM, my two leaders were absolutely the best, they completely changed my life. I was not in a very good place, and just being able to talk to them really opened up my eyes to so many new things.
Kelsey: I had a kind of similar experience where when I did my retreat, it really opened my eyes to a lot of things. I feel like there are a lot of taboo topics that we touch on that aren’t really open to conversation for high school students that usually can be big issues like mental health, identity, and bullying, things that are harder to touch on. I think that it is really important and it really touched me, like wow there is… a time and space to have these conversations.
How much work is put into GWAM?
Kelsey: So much work! Having to get everyone together, having to [recruit] leaders, and get them training and all of that. On top of that, there is all of the stuff we need too.
Macy: I really think that there is a lot of work that goes into GWAM, with the meetings and going over everything. A lot of the seniors are taking very rigorous classes this year, so taking those two days off is also a lot of work for them. There definitely is a lot of work that Coach K[ibtya] and Ms. Aviña do as well.
Kelsey: It is definitely a big commitment, but I think that it’s an important one.
How can GWAM change in the future?
Macy: The only thing that I would change about GWAM is that there would be more interactions throughout the year. I feel that it’s nice that there is something at the beginning of the year, but maybe if there were something at the end of the year. Because a lot of the group leaders are seniors so maybe there could be a parting session with their GWAM group could be good for the kids
Kelsey: Everything right now that we have is really good, but I’d love just to see more happening [outside] of the one event.
What is your favorite part of GWAM?
Kelsey: The connection. Being able to see some new faces, that are freshmen… being able to connect with them as human beings. Even between leaders, I love seeing my friends and these new connections that would never happen [without GWAM].
Macy: My favorite part of GWAM is being able to help kids, help them open up, and make a safer environment. I don’t want anyone to feel that their not safe at school or that they aren’t welcome. Being able to be a guiding figure to these students and give them that safe environment really makes me feel great about this school.
GWAM takes place on Sept. 29 and 30 and is available to all freshmen.
lfranzen • Sep 28, 2022 at 11:53 am
I appreciate the clear picture of GWAM you offer here. It’s informative to see a behind-the-scenes look at the thought energy behind this event.
Alicia Tan • Sep 20, 2022 at 8:33 pm
This is a great, informative article! Also, I love Macy Buchta; I am her biggest fan <3