Wellness and Suicide Prevention
Informative events and programs about Mental Health and Suicide Prevention.
Ms. Ledterman, a student counselor and leader at the event.
September 20, 2022
At the STEM building on Thursday, September 22, our Los Al counselors will be working with two nationwide organizations to inform students about Suicide Prevention. These are the Sandy Hook Promise and Start With Hello. The events are in correspondence with our new Wellness Center, as well as a nationwide initiative to solve a problem that has been plaguing certain members of our younger generation.
Ms. Ledterman, the counselor who will manage our new Wellness Center, has informed us about the goal of her and colleagues. One of the main catalysts that caused the creation of both of these events and the Wellness Center was the sense of isolation caused by the pandemic. Because of the quarantine of two years ago, many students were forced into isolation. This deprived our students from the socialization and support needed to maintain proper mental health. In addition, many students are pushed into harming themselves or even others as a result of little emotional support. The greatest impression left on our youths’ minds was the feeling of loneliness, and the notion that help is unavailable for those experiencing internal and external conflict.
In contrast, this event with the Wellness Center is meant to aid students in their recovery from mental harm that not only originates from the pandemic but the following results. Ms. Ledterman and her colleagues hope to inform their troubled students that the help they need is available no matter what. Therefore, the aim of this event and new school facility is to provide a means of connection to our students who have been emotionally secluded. In response to our quarantine, students have been negatively impacted in two different ways. In some cases, students have become too scared to ask for help in regards to their own mental needs. In other scenarios, students have difficulty in reading the warning signs shown by troubled peers. Connections to supportive groups will be provided during these events, including contacts to our school counselors and phone numbers to suicide prevention hotlines. Information about reading any signals of conflicting friends that may be contemplating self harm will also be given to the attendees.
Independence is expected from high school students as all of them are on their way to becoming members of the adult world. However, we should recognize dependability if it is on the matter of mental health and self harm; no one should be expected to be on their own. Letting others know that help is always on standby is the goal of our wellness counselors, and they will be more than happy to share their information with you on this Thursday, September 22.
So, if you wish to be a part of this positive change in our community, stop by the STEM building during lunch on the marked date.
lfranzen • Sep 28, 2022 at 12:51 pm
I’m wondering what words from Ms. L belong to her. Thank you for looking into the Wellness Center as it is brand new and unfamiliar.