LOS ALAMITOS, CA – For the upcoming Homecoming dance, ASB held an assembly in the gym to get Griffins ready to bust their moves. The whole school attended this assembly during their third period class, whether they were in assembly one or two.
At the start of the assembly, Los Alamitos High School’s varsity cheer team started off the assembly with a routine. Members of the varsity football team danced along with them, continuing Los Al’s Homecoming tradition of sports teams performing with cheer at the assembly. The cheer girls and football team’s dance had everyone in the crowd engaged.
SoundFX choir also sang the national anthem, and Los Al’s Advanced Dance class performed an exciting number, with the dancers wearing sparkly red tops and executing impressive acrobatic tricks.
For their traditional Homecoming assembly activity, ASB asked three students from each grade level to participate in a game called “Hungry Hungry Crocodiles.” With many balls laid out on the gym floor, one person on each team lied on their stomach on a skateboard holding a bucket. The person lying on the skateboard had to try to catch the most balls in the bucket while the other person steered them with their legs before the time runs out. The third student collected the balls the person on the skateboard gathered.
The players took many tries to collect as many balls into their bucket as they could, and laughter spread through the gym as they struggled.
Now, for the moment everyone was waiting for: the Homecoming nominees. This year’s Homecoming queen nominees are Elise Briseno-Tapia, Sophie Fackrell, Melaeni Rocker, Andrea Villalobos, and Jocelyn Vlasic.
The Homecoming king nominees are Evan Chambers, Nathan Delgadillo, Nathan Garcia, Benjamin Pareti, and Isaiah Wempe. Each nominee walked out to a song with two friends flanking them, all looking their best. Some wore outfits like pajamas and fairy costumes to fit this year’s theme: “Homecoming in Neverland.”
After the nominees were announced, both the nominees and the staff played a game of dodgeball. During the second assembly, the intense match ended with Fackrell as the last nominee standing until film teacher Mr. Brown caught her with a well-aimed throw.

Lastly, a video showcasing our school’s fall sports highlights was played. The video included highlights from football, girls flag football, girls volleyball, water polo, tennis, and basketball.
At the end of the assembly, ASB reminded everyone that the Homecoming football game is Friday, Oct. 6 and that Homecoming tickets can be bought this week at the Activities Office. On the day off the dance, which is Saturday, Oct. 7, tickets will be $50 cash at the door. Be there or be square!
Katie Arnoult • Oct 5, 2023 at 10:25 am
Great article! I think the Homecoming assembly was pretty great this year! Kudos to ASB!