LOS ALAMITOS, CA – The class of 2027 entered their first year of high school last week. With this being their first non-COVID year transitioning as the youngest students on a new campus, they have many changes coming toward them.
The Los Al campus is much larger compared to middle schools, making many freshmen students feel intimidated on their way to classes. Thankfully, after a full week back to school, students seem accustomed to their new environment. Additionally, the amount of freedom that freshmen have compared to middle schoolers has been an adjustment that has been happily welcomed.
At Los Al, there are also numerous clubs, activities, and arts that students can join on campus. Even academics have a wide variety of options to choose from when registering for classes. The high school dress code and freedom to use phones in between classes is another change that is a huge deal to freshmen because of the tight restrictions in middle school.
“I like that you can check your phone during passing period,” said Madeline Reid, a freshman. “And the dress code is so different here. Everybody has the freedom to wear what they want [and] what they choose to express themselves with.”
As well as adapting to having more freedom, freshmen have been adjusting to the new school year quite well. Most schedules have been made concrete and many seem to know where their classes are. Though to some, this may come as a surprise since much of the class of 2027 say that they didn’t get a full middle school experience.
When the freshmen were in sixth grade, COVID-19 took over everyone’s lives. It was their first year of middle school, and they had to start it with remote learning online. Meeting new friends was difficult since all students could see was their profile picture and name. Eventually, the hybrid schedule was introduced and students had the option to stay online or go to school in-person, masks on, four days a week, with separate cohorts in the morning and evening.
After these restrictions ended, seventh and eighth grade felt like a new environment. As soon as they knew it, it was their first day of high school. After that rough jump into middle school, their transition into high school has been easy and enjoyable. Ms. Troutman, a freshman teacher at Los Al, commented on the surprisingly upbeat moods on the first day of school.
“This year, everyone seemed very excited the first day and no one seemed super nervous,” said Ms. Troutman. “Everyone has seemed to have been acclimating super well and excited to start a new year, meet new people, and be involved in a lot more.”
We can’t wait to see what the freshman will accomplish in the future, and we wish that they will have a great rest of the school year!

Cruz • Oct 8, 2023 at 8:13 pm
Such a great article, I relate so much to this. Keep it up Kalea!! 😉
Katie A. • Aug 30, 2023 at 1:09 pm
This article perfectly captures the freshman experience at Los Al! It must be scary, but I’m glad these newbies are staying optimistic! Great article Kalea!