LOS ALAMITOS, Calif. — On Thursday, Nov. 21, Los Alamitos High School had its fourth annual Thanks-Living. The event expressed the thankfulness that comes with the Thanksgiving atmosphere right before break!
During the extended lunch period, students participated in multiple activities, including sending gratitude grams to the person of their choice. Today, many LAHS teachers received grateful notes from their past and current students. Additionally, there were friendship bracelet stations where students illustrated their gratitude for their friends.
The event was staged in front of the Performing Arts Center, where students lined up for their warm hot chocolate drink along with a sugary churro. The event was a huge success, with a crowd of students lining up to get their treats in celebration of Thanksgiving.
“It’s really an opportunity for us as a staff and adults so that our students know how much we care for them, how much we love them, and to get us in a little Thanksgiving spirit,” said District Superintendent Dr. Pulver, who helped set up for the event.
The goal of this event is to show the gratitude that should be spreading as students near Thanksgiving break. The staff used this as an opportunity to show the students their thankfulness and to lift up their spirits before the holidays.
“It’s just to get into the spirit of giving and to appreciate what you have,” said Scott Fayette, a recently retires school board member who helped set up and hand out the food alongside Dr. Pulver. “A churro and a hot cocoa is nice, but it’s the meaning behind it, just the little kindness that makes life worth.”
Griffins mentioned that Thanks-Living improved from last year. Students adored the crunchy, tasty churros that were given out.
Overall, this year Thanks-Living’s comeback was much more enjoyable. Make sure to get cozy during the break, and look forward to the fifth annual Thanks-Living next year! Have a great Thanksgiving break, Griffins!
Bella Kim • Dec 4, 2024 at 8:45 am
Great quick coverage, Isabella!